Mindfulness in Action: Master Using the Body Scan Meditation to Release Stress and Anxiety and Bring Inner Calm

Dr. Elizabeth Jennings, OTD, OTR, c/NDT. Dr. Jennings is an Occupational Therapist with a Doctorate in Mindfulness Studies, is a Certified Mindfulness & Integrative Wellness Life Coach and has a focus in PTSD, Traumatic Brain Injuries, Anxiety and Depression, Empowerment Coach, Executive Coach, Organizational Development Leadership Coach, Master Intuitive Grief Coach


Body Scan Meditation

Body scan meditation is one of the most effective ways to begin to practice mindfulness as a daily self-care routine. The primary goal of using body scan meditation is to train the mind to be more aware of sensory experiences. The body scan meditation can be helpful to people dealing with stress, tension, anxiety, sleep difficulties, and chronic pain- Using the body scan meditation helps by teaching how to tune into their body, reconnect with self, and pay attention to different body sensations. Body scan meditation is effective in reducing pain, decreasing anxiety and stress, improving sleep patterns, and cultivating attention to daily self-care practice. The body scan meditation is simple and practical to apply, and beneficial to people of all ages.

The Body Scan Meditation is effective for releasing and managing tension in the body and mind

During a body scan meditation, you will notice, pay attention, and focus on how each of your body parts feel starting at your toes, up through your legs, chest, arms, and head. You will notice any sensations of tingling, aches, discomfort, or pain that might exist in each of your different body parts as they are explored one at a time. As sensations are noticed, mental attention is targeted and directed to release tension that exists in each of the body parts explored. By training the mind to pay attention to body sensations being experienced, this brings about feelings of relaxation and calmness,strengthens the ability to focus, and brings about feelings of being more present and connected to oneself and other people.

Top 3 Benefits of using the Body Scan Meditation

1. Treat Chronic Pain- Research using a randomized controlled study has shown that the Body Scan Meditation has been found to help with managing and dealing with chronic pain symptoms. In this study, a group of 55 participants reported reduced pain after just one session of listening to a recording of a body scan meditation.

2. Reduce Anxiety and Stress- The body scan can help to release tension that has been habitually stored or built up throughout the body especially on the face,neck, shoulders, back, and legs resulting from stress and anxiety.

3. Help Achieve Better Quality Sleep - The body scan meditation is calming and can help to relax the mind to make it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep longer. Research shows it is helpful for helping teens suffering from insomnia to fall asleep, improve sleep patterns by sleeping longer and waking up less often and less irritable.

Practical Ways to apply using the Body Scan Meditation to Everyday life

The body scan helps to:

Clear the Mind by releasing distractions and random thoughts.

Remain Focused when necessary to allow the flow of creative energy and thoughts for brainstorming ideas for a project, writing, or creative expression.

Decrease Tension when confronted with deadlines, meetings, or uncomfortable situations.

Managing Daily Life Stressors needed to balance the stress of keeping up with the daily life responsibilities of work,family, and personal well-being.


https://www.insider.com/body-scan-meditation#:~:text=Wing%20says%20she%20often%20recommends,to%20an%20improvement%20in%20sympto ms.

