12 Ways to Manifest Success in Your Business and Life after Dealing with Major Setbacks

Dr. Elizabeth Jennings, OTD, OTR, c/NDT. Dr. Jennings is an Occupational Therapist with a Doctorate in Mindfulness Studies, is a Certified Mindfulness & Integrative Wellness Life Coach and has a focus in PTSD, Traumatic Brain Injuries, Anxiety and Depression, Empowerment Coach, Executive Coach, Organizational Development Leadership Coach, Master Intuitive Grief Coach


This year has certainly dealt a fair share of obstacles for everyone to deal with. Some of these obstacles have impacted personal health and well-being, family, school, or business life. Many people will struggle with rising above the obstacles and challenges that have left mental and emotional struggles with anxiety, depression, feelings of resentment, and unexpected changes in relationships, job status, or financial stability. So the big question that remains is how do you manage to still manifest a success mindset despite all the obstacles?

Below are 12 Ways to Manifest Success in Business or Personal Life and strategies on how to implement those suggestions practically:

1. Redefine personal meaning of failure

2020 may have brought setbacks in the life of many. If those setbacks or “failures” can be seen as opportunities, then strategically it is possible to think of ways to address those setbacks individually and create a plan of action to move forward past those opportunities for learning or improvement to manifest.

2. Change your perspective/attitude

The lens we look at situations in our life often determines the attitude that we address or face a situation with. If we have a negative or depressed attitude, then we will not see solutions that might be right in front of us to quickly move forward or not remain stuck in a negative or hopeless state.The key is to make a decision to adjust the attitude that we approach a situation in order to see clearer solutions that will manifest better opportunities in our life.

3. Set realistic financial, personal and business goals

For 2021, determine what will be the financial, personal, and business goals that we desire to achieve. Set those goals from a realistic stand point so that you do not find yourself with goals set that seem too big to accomplish and which may cause individuals to not see or visualize a path to keep moving forward.

4. Develop and create your personal definition of success

Success means different things to different people. Decide what success in your life would look like and write that definition down. Get clear of what standards in your life you will accept as signs of success being achieved. Focus on that definition and not the standards that others might judge their own success by. This will lead to living a life of personal fulfillment in 2021.

5. Reward yourself for progress along the way

So many people work and work but never take time out to reward efforts and progress towards short term goals. When people take the time to reward, recognize, and praise the short term progress towards bigger goals then there is positive energy generated to keep moving forward instead of dealing with discouragement from the delay with achieving the long term goal set.

6. Decide to live outside of your comfort zone

Instead of being stuck in comfort, choose to be open to activities, opportunities, and experiences that may be new but might get you closer to experiencing the financial, personal, or business success that you are wanting to manifest in your life.

7. Find and connect to mentor/mentors to support your advancement

Mentors are helpful with providing advice on breaking past areas or limits that exist with your own knowledge or abilities. Seek out a mentor/mentors specifically in the areas of focus that you want to see improvements and advancement in life. Connect with these mentors virtually through coffee meetings, through email communications, or connect on social media. Allow yourself permission to have the right support to help you manifest the success that you want to achieve from those who have been through some of the same experiences or obstacles that you might face on your journey.

8. Create a rockstar morning ritual or routine

Many successful individuals swear by having a powerful starter morning routine. Create one for yourself; this could include prayer, meditation, journaling, exercise or reading or listening to daily affirmations.

9. Release limiting beliefs and recognize self-defeating thoughts that are present

Limiting beliefs and self-defeating thoughts or habits can block manifesting things that you want in life. It is important to recognize these nonproductive beliefs and thoughts by writing them down or talking to a coach or mentor about these areas and seeking strategies that work for your life to address them. Some ideas can include: journaling, becoming solution oriented, , or creating a reaffirming affirmation or declaration life statement to speak to over those limiting beliefs or self-defeating thoughts that have been in your self-conscious thoughts.

10. Let go of the past and embrace the new you that you want to show up in the new year

Make a New Year’s Resolution to specifically release and let go of thoughts of the past that prevent you from manifesting the new you or life that you want to show up in 2021. This can be accomplished through journaling, prayer, meditation, counseling, coaching, or finding the right emotional supportive person.

11. Focus on improving your organization skills for your business or personal life.

Clear up the clutter and create some basic systems to help you become more effective and organized in your daily actions. You can consult a professional organizer or assistant or you might decide to research home or business organization systems and then commit to implementing one that will work with your life. An organized mind and life will manifest a successful life.


Purchase a calendar, planner, or use a digital calendar system to help you track your time, days, and weeks better. This will help to hold you more accountable to the 24 hours in a day/168hours in a week. Using a daily to-do list tracker or checklist will also be helpful to allow more efficiency and success with your usage and management of time and energy which will lead to manifesting more success in your personal life or business.